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Home-Office does not work without Trust

20. January 2021

The actual discussion regarding «mandatory» Home Office for small and big corporations is intense and some companies install control-measures for their employees.

For me, this controls are the false measure and I tell you why: Companies who have started five to ten years in the past to implement a «trust-culture» do not face these problems today with Home-Office. They have learnt to trust each other and live this culture. Within a trust culture there will be few employees to breach contracts or try to gain advantage out of the situation. They are part of a sworn-in team, striving for the same goal.

Unfortunately, there is no such way of implementing a «trust-culture» in quick way. It is a long-lasting process with planning and implementing measure. To change a culture needs at least five to ten years. But it is always worthwile to start immediately as it has many other advantages besides the home-office question: It strengthens the entrepreneurship, the open communication and Managers (re-) learn to speak the language of their employees. A very powerful experience. Trust the companies who have done it !

We at HR-Unlimited have extensive experience in implementing a «trust-culture» – you can only benefit from it.

How is that for a positive intent for 2021 ?

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